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Our customizable program provides the best of both worlds with online one-on-one coaching and customized training and nutrition plans. 


It is the ultimate program to help you create real and lasting changes by not only addressing nutrition and training, but also the mindset and lifestyles of our athletes.


Our programs are delivered via the CHiLL FiT App and require a 3 month minimum commitment period. Keep reading below to learn more about them and how we can support you on your fitness journey.


Proper nutrition is essential to your overall health. Without it, you cannot achieve optimal results that are healthy and sustainable. The secret to long term success is for people to make smarter food choices that they can enjoy but are also in line with their goals. This turns the approach into less of a diet and more of a lifestyle.


At CHiLL FiT, we focus on flexible dieting and macro-based nutrition. We don’t put emphasis on “bad foods” or food restriction but instead focus on choosing high-quality, minimally processed foods more often.

We strive to help our athletes:

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Improve their relationship with food

Regulate eating behaviors

Learn portion control and what proper nutrition looks like

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Understand how to optimally fuel their bodies to reach their goals

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Debunk myths by educating them using scientific backed information


Our training program includes a structured strength and conditioning plan that is backed by science and proven by results. It is an integrated program that utilizes progressive overload by manipulating key training variables and scientific concepts to achieve optimal gains in strength, neuromuscular efficiency, hypertrophy and performance.


Our programs are not cookie cutter or static! They are dynamic and customized to each person. We use outcome-based decision making to adjust them as needed so our athletes continue to progress throughout their fitness journey.

Your CHiLL Lifestyle Program Includes:

1-on-1 coaching with your preferred coach

Customized nutrition program; adjusted as needed

Personalized training program:

  • Free full access to CHiLL FiT App

  • Form feedback on exercises

1 hour launch call + monthly 1-on-1 calls

  • Ability to schedule calls with coach anytime

Weekly progress check-ins

1:1 access to your coach via message chat

Monthly CHiLL FiT Team Calls and access to private CHiLL FiT Community


Whether your goal is to lose weight, get strong and gain muscle or to live a more balanced and healthier lifestyle, our strength training and program and coaches can help you achieve your goals.​

Are you ready to become More CHiLL More FiT? Join our interest list today!

Meet Our Coaches

CHiLL FiT is led by Arlito & Channing Childress.
Channing & Arlito specialize in physique and lifestyle transformations for women and men of all ages and backgrounds. Their approach of focusing on both the mental and physical transformation is what sets them apart and helps their athlete’s achieve long-term success.


Unsure of which program is right for you? Set up a FREE CHiLL Consult today to connect with one of our coaches to get your recommendations and questions answered!

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